Reports and correspondence

A full list of formal reports, correspondence and responses to consultations produced by the End Fuel Poverty Coalition since 2014 are linked below (links open as a pdf unless stated in the file type description after the year of publication).

Response to DWP Modernising support for independent living consultation (22 July 2024)

Email to new Energy ministers (11 July 2024)

Tariff Watch Standing Charges Analysis (21 June 2024)

Response to Ofgem consultation on operating costs allowances (14 June 2024)

Response to Ofgem consultation on removing the ban on acquisition only tariffs (11 June 2024)

Response to Ofgem Call for Input on Debt and Energy Affordability (13 May 2024)

Response to Ofgem Call for Input on the future of price protection (10 May 2024)

Letter to MSPs about Scotland’s cold homes crisis (6 May 2024)

Email to ministers about the Retail Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) Consultation (26 April 2024)

Response to DESNZ Consultation on Default Tariffs (22 April 2024)

Warm This Winter Tariff Watch Report 4 (Q2 2024, April 2024)

Below Average Resources Poverty Measurement Consultation Response (11 April 2024)

Letter to political parties in Westminster with social work leaders (10 April 2024)

SoLR Levy Offset Consultation Response (5 April 2024)

Energy firm profits summary (1 April 2024, weblink)

Future Homes Standard Consultation Response (26 March 2024)

Warm This Winter Report on Additional Debt Related Costs (26 March 2024)

Warm This Winter Tariff Watch: Gas Networks Report (March 2024)

Letter to Lambeth Council on Heat Networks and evictions (18 March 2024)

RIIO3 Price Controls Consultation Response on gas transmission, gas distribution and electricity transmission (6 March 2024)

Awaab’s Law Consultation Response (5 March 2024)

Warm This Winter Tariff Watch Report 3 (Q1 2024)

Response to House of Commons Energy Security and Net Zero Committee Inquiry on Energy Bills (1 February 2024, .docx)

Submission to 2024 UK Government Budget (23 January 2024)

Response to Ofgem Standing Charges Call for Input (17 January 2024)

Letter to Ofgem about the January Price Cap change (16 January 2024)

Letter to First Minister about Forced Prepayment Meters in Scotland (21 December 2023)

Letter to Secretary of State for Energy Security on Prepayment Meters (3 November 2023)

Letter to the Chancellor about the need for an Emergency Energy Tariff from the Warm This Winter campaign (1 November 2023)

Response to Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Consultation on Hydrogen Blending into GB Gas Networks (27 October 2023)

Joint letter with money and debt advice organisations to the Chancellor on ‘Help To Repay’ (24 October 2023)

Letter to the House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee on forced prepayment meters (23 October 2023)

Warm This Winter Tariff Watch Report 2 (Q4 2023)

Letter to the Prime Minister with 140+ other organisations on social tariffs (29 September 2023)

Response to Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Call For Evidence on domestic consumers with non-domestic energy supply contracts (18 September 2023)

Correspondence with the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero about its Call For Evidence on an innovative retail energy market (18 September 2023)

Letter to the new Secretary of State for Energy Security & Net Zero (13 September 2023)

Verbal evidence given to the House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee (6 September 2023, external web link)

Response to House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee Inquiry on Heating Our Homes (25 August 2023 .doc)

Response to House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee Inquiry on a Flexible Grid for the Future (25 August 2023 .doc)

Response to House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee Inquiry on Keeping The Power On (25 August 2023 .doc)

Response to House of Commons Energy Security & Net Zero Committee Inquiry on Preparing for Winter (25 August 2023 .doc)

Response to Ofgem consultation on consumer standards (23 August 2023)

Letter to Speaker of the House of Commons and Chairs of Select Committees re Social Tariff (11 August 2023)

Warm This Winter Tariff Watch Report 1 (Q3 2023)

Response to Ofgem consultation on involuntary prepayment meters (13 July 2023)

Letter to Minister for Energy on winter 2023/24 support (13 July 2023)

Letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer on the Review of the Oil and Gas Fiscal Regime (26 June 2023)

Letter to the Secretary of State for Energy Security calling for a “Help To Repay” Scheme (2023)

Response to Ofgem consultation on prepayment rules and protections (2023)

Request to Health & Social Care Committee to consider health impacts of cold and damp housing (2023)

Response to Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill reforms to national planning policy (2023)

Response to Social Market Foundation plans for support British households in an age of high prices (2023)

Response to the REMA Consultation on the future of the electricity pricing arrangements (2022)

Letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer asking for clarification on energy bills support (17 June 2022)

Proposals by industry for an improved energy efficiency programme, “ECO-Plus” (2022)

Letter to Ofgem opposing January price cap change and calling for reform (14 June 2022)

Responding to the gas crisis with a green, fair and resilient response (2022)

Letter to Energy Minister on impact of pandemic on fuel poverty (5 February 2021)

End Fuel Poverty Coalition Warm Home Discount Consultation Response (2021)

End Fuel Poverty Coalition Private Rented Sector Consultation (2020)

End Fuel Poverty Coalition Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 Submission (2020)

Letter to Prime Minister warning of links between cold homes and Covid 19 (23 June 2020)

Letter to Minister for Energy on energy efficiency programmes (13 January 2020)

End Fuel Poverty Coalition Manifesto for 2019 General Election (2019)

Letter to Minister for Energy & Growth on BEIS Strategy Review (19 October 2019)

Response to government fuel poverty strategy review (2019)

Key recommendations to government, May 2017 (2017)

Response to Committee on Fuel Poverty report (2016)

Ending cold homes: Affordable warmth manifesto (2014)