General election candidates asked for views on ending fuel poverty

After years of staggering energy bills, candidates in the General Election have been asked to give their views on the steps they will champion to help end fuel poverty.

New Ipsos polling has revealed that the cost of living crisis is the second most important issue to voters heading to the polls.

Now the End Fuel Poverty Coalition has launched a survey which asks candidates three questions about the cost of energy and the cold damp homes scandal.

Campaigners have claimed that the next Government will need to act quickly after the election to end energy debt, protect households from the energy market, bring down bills for good, improve housing standards and make Britain a clean energy superpower.

Voters can also use the survey when MP hopefuls arrive at their door, so they can find out who is most likely to get to grips with fuel poverty and so they don’t have to face another winter choosing between eating and heating.

The poll asks candidates if they think the cost of energy bills is an issue for people living in their constituency and then asks them to rank a set of four solutions in priority order.

The solutions include targeted financial support for energy bills, help to upgrade homes, access to cheaper energy and a long term plan to get off oil and gas.

The final question asks candidates what they will do to help end fuel poverty if they get elected.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“Anyone standing for Parliament needs to be left in no doubt that the public is angry about vulnerable people living in cold, damp homes, whilst prices rise and the energy industry profits.

“Candidates will need to go into their new role as an MP ready to take responsibility and demand urgent action on behalf of those they represent. Nothing less will do.”

Research from winter 2023/24 has highlighted that 8.3m million people live in cold, damp homes with the NHS warning that they are more likely to have respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma.

Over a third (38%) of people from households where someone is under 5, pregnant, over 65 or with preexisting health conditions thought they might not be able to afford to put the heating on at all this winter.

Nearly four in 10 UK households (39%) say they cannot afford to insulate their homes.