The End Fuel Poverty Coalition campaigns to influence government and other bodies to take action to end fuel poverty and thereby improve people’s health and quality of life as well as seeking to reduce the cost of living, create jobs and negate carbon emissions in the process.
Find out more about our latest campaign about the health risks of cold homes.
It is understood that fuel poverty is influenced by three key factors:
• Energy efficiency of homes
• Income
• Energy pricing
The End Fuel Poverty Coalition is campaigning for government, energy providers and other bodies to take more assertive and effective action in these areas, focusing on:
• The energy efficiency of all low-income households’ homes improved (by 2025) to those of homes built today
• Energy efficient homes a central priority for investment in the country’s infrastructure
• A cross-departmental Fuel Poverty Strategy which brings together policies on social well-being, health inequalities, housing affordability, climate change and poverty
• Energy efficiency policies co-ordinated and implemented at a local level
• Fuel companies providing a better deal to those on low incomes and households in difficult to heat homes
• Employment and income policies to meet the current costs of living
• A reduction in the proportion of household budgets required for essential goods and services, including energy.